Wednesday, September 22, 2004

WMDs! We Found 'Em, Georgie!

Yeah, Georgie, but we found them in Iran. Oh well, no big deal. Fuck them imams and get the tanks rolling. Gotta save Iran for democracy and American-style freedom! Gotta give the First Amendment to the people of Iran; that is, the new version of the Bill of Rights that Ashcroft is conjuring up as he wrings his hands in excited anticipation of all the kewl stuff he's gonna stick in there to keep us all in line; to keep us all towing the neocon line for decades to come.

Come to think of it, Dubya, we've got a little problem in North Korea, too. So, let's be consistent, now. Gotta send our boys and girls north, too. Freedom and democracy! We know they want it. We know they'll welcome our preemptive efforts.

Oh, Lord...

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