Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Lydia Lunch -- Obsession is Good

This from AlterNet is too hard to pass up. I'd never heard of Lydia Lunch, but, then, I'm getting on in years -- over 50 -- and don't exactly expose myself (now, just wait a minute!) to the Lydia Lunchs' of this earth who, amongst other things says:

"I think that any obsession is good," Lunch asserts. "If it's not obsessing you. In other words, you've got to learn how to control your desires. You don't have to deny them; you just have to keep them in check. We are as a culture addicted to violence. The problems start, especially in culture, when you add sex to that mix. You can show as many dead bodies as possible, but God forbid you show some rough fucking. And I don't get that."


"On one hand," Lunch argues, "we're showing more pornography than ever. On the other, we have a fascist government that's trying to take away a woman's right to an abortion. Under repression, extremity is going to blossom."


"When I went to give my speech 'In Our Time of Dying' about the impending war in Iraq in 2002," Lunch confides, "I could have gone back and taken huge portions from my speeches from 1984 and reapplied them. Because there is no fucking difference between Reagan and Bush, except that Bush is worse. His regime is more arrogant, smug, concerned with the people who put money in their pockets and less humane than Reagan's. Those are the only differences."


"One of my lines in In Our Time of Dying' argued that things were better when we had blow jobs in the White House. A president with a blow job is a happy man. Now we have a man in the White House who wants to butt-fuck the entire planet. It's obvious as hell."

This post is probably akin to one of of Dunner's a-fucking-men posts that never fail to get to the heart of things in no uncertain terms.

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