Tuesday, June 29, 2004

democracy in Iraq - Bush's Pipe Dream

I think Senator Ernest Hollings stated it best:

Peoples the world around have a history of culture and religion. In the Mideast, the religion is predominantly Muslim and the culture tribal. The Muslim religion is strong, i.e., those that don't conform are considered infidels; those of a tribal culture look for tribal leadership, not democracy. We liberated Kuwait, but it immediately rejected democracy.

What the media are calling "insurgents" in Iraq, are, in Iraq, freedom fighters whose holy aim is to rid their land of the infidel.

Consider if America had been invaded by a foreign (Muslim) force. What would you have done? What, good Christians, good conservative FOCUS ON THE FAMILY Christians; what would you have done?

Dubya just doesn't get it. For every Iraqi insurgent that is killed, there are a hundred times a hundred Iraqis or other Muslims to take his or her place.

God bless America. What have you done to my country, Dubya!

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