Friday, April 22, 2005

Curious George Wonders

I wonder ...

If the Catholic Church, the Roman Catholic Church were to liquidate its gold and silver, silk and precious metals; its wonderful collection of precious metals and jewels, ancient art and tapestries; real estate and other holdings throughout the world; yes, if the Roman Catholic Church were to do such an outrageous, curiously Christ-like thing, could we -- the world -- have a cure for HIV/AIDS? If the Roman Catholic Church were to dedicate all of the proceeds of it's liquidation to funding a cure for HIV/AIDS, do you think it would happen? Would we, thereby, have a cure?

You know, I cannot help but wonder (and I wonder if there aren't more than a few in the Roman Church who wonder) if Christ walked the earth today, would he be confused and disgusted by the wealth of the Roman Church?

Curious George thinks the Roman Church should move to, oh, Musgokee, Oklahoma or, say, the slums of Sao Pablo, Brazil -- after selling off it's assets -- and live, yes, like Christ would have lived -- selflessly giving of himself to the oppressed of the world.

But, then, should we think about the immensely financially solvent Christian (Protestant) sects that strive to insinuate themselves, impose themselves into the theocracization of American politics under the guise of the "will of the people?"

Ah, where do we do go from here, Curious George wonders? Where will this all end....

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