Friday, April 08, 2005

Snarky -- I love that word!

Colorado Pols which I've linked to for some time, was written up in the Denver Post today. These guys started their blog in January and, last month, had 20,000 hits and expect twice that many this month. Congratulations.

Typically, Governor Bill "Owens' communications chief, Sean Duffy, took umbrage with a recent posting about Holtzman's fiancée and Owens' former deputy spokeswoman, Kristen Hubbell, whom the site described as a 'press girl.'

"It was snarky and demeaning," Duffy said. "The anonymous nature of this [the blog] cuts the cord on accountability."

Well, Sean, I'm not sure in what manner you would wish to hold bloggers "accountable?" I mean, if they're really snarky would it be three days in the stocks? A public dunking until they forsake their snarkiness?

As an aside, for your boss, Governor Bill Owens -- the, batboy for Denver Archbishop Charlie Chaput -- on his recent veto of a bill that would have required hospitals -- even Catholic owned/run -- hospitals to inform rape victims that they do have an "...emergency contraception..." option, Mike Keefe's cartoon in this morning's Post kind of hits it on the proverbial head.

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