Friday, October 22, 2004

The Polemic Continues - Iraq (As in Quagmire!)

This from the New York Times this morning was, of course, not a surprise. It seems that everyone except the President understands the nature of the mess he's thrust America into over there, in Iraq where those damned so-called insurgents keep popping out of the woodwork.

Definition: Insurgent -- (Random House, Webster's Unabridged)
1. a person who rises in forcible opposition to lawful authority, esp. a person who engages in armed resistance to a government or to the execution of its laws; rebel.
2. a member of a section of a political party that revolts against the methods or policies of the party.
3. of or characteristic of an insurgent or insurgents.
4. surging or rushing in: The insurgent waves battered the shore.

Whatever law, whatever order that is extant in Iraq comes from the muzzle of a weapon carried by an American soldier whose presence in that ugly, dangerous place is financed overwhelmingly by the American taxpayer to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars.

Our soldiers -- as has been touted, celebrated even -- by President Bush, have not become liberators of a country hungry for American-style democracy. No, rather our soldiers have become (and always were) occupiers of a sovereign nation whose presence in that sovereign nation was the direct result of President Bush's preemptive caprice, the motivation of which was surely the product of testosterone (The little guy just had to prove to his daddy that he had the balls to do it ... for daddy!) rather than any reasonable consideration of the enormous quagmire the occupation of Iraq would become. But, of course, that's obvious.

The President and his people just simply had no fucking idea what the hell they were getting themselves and this country into. Period. And, who is paying the ultimate sacrifice for that wee bit of misjudgment? Ask the mothers and fathers, the wives and husbands, the children, the lovers and partners, the grandparents of those American soldiers who have returned (or parts of them have returned) to their homeland in a box; ask them who has made the ultimate sacrifice.

But, what do we hear the President telling the American people? "We've turned the corner. We're making progress. We're going to have free elections." And, what did the President tell Pat Robertson of the 700 Club? (I do believe Pat Robertson, by the way.) Well, Georgie told Robertson that we'd have no casualties in Iraq. Not a one. Nada.

Well, I'll beat that old horse again. These people killing Americans in Iraq are NOT insurgents. No, the people who are killing Americans see themselves as freedom fighters who look upon the Americans as infidels ... unclean. The American infidels have soiled their holy places, their land, their country, their women, their history. And, if there are twenty-thousand insurgents today, there will be one-hundred times that number in ten, fifteen years as Islam embraces each new generation of Muslim men, women and children with the same, certainly infallible truth that their ticket to heaven remains irrevocably tied to ridding their lands of the unclean infidel.

God, I hope I'm wrong. Bet I'm not.

Being the highest phase of capitalist development, imperialism ... draws within the orbit of finance-capital, exploits all colonies, all races and all nations.

Joseph Stalin

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