Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Separation of Church and State -- The Myth

`Colorado's Catholic Archbishop Charles Chaput is advising his flock that if they vote for John Kerry, they're committing a sin. Never mind the mendacity of the Dumbya administration; never mind the lies and the killing and chaos and the deceit and the suffering of the children and the widows and widowers and the poverty and the destruction of the environment; never mind the pederasts Chaput's Church hid away and protected; never mind the bright and beautiful promise of stem cell research and the certain miracles the application of that research will bring; never mind all of that. Let's just focus on Chaput's Repubublican agenda.

I remember when John F. Kennedy feared that the American electorate would, of course, believe that each and every one of his decisions would be forthcoming from Rome; the Pope. He worked very hard to dispell that perception. No, we don't live in a theocracy. Better remind Chaput and his minions of that fact.

Born and rasised a Catholic, I suspect that Chaput's rhetoric will fall on ears fully atuned to the mystery of the Church. But, I suspect also, it will fall on ears wondering if the lies perpetuated in the name of freedom -- or, at least, what Dumbya believes the essence of freedom to be -- I'm wondering if those ears, if those good Catholics will be believe it a sin to vote for a liar? An insidious liar whose lies have caused the death of over one-thousand good, American lives and of thousands of Iraqis?

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