P.S. I provided Councilman Rick Garcia's office with a copy of these two fliers with the hope they would post them on their site. Although the pedestrian bridge is not in Councilman Garcia's district, I thought the event would be of interest for those of us who live in the West Highlands neighborhood. But, nope, the councilman's office doesn't apparently think the event is worthy of their effort to place the information on their site. (Not wanting to modify original posts, please note the comment below from Anon which explains what may be occurring with the Councilman's website.)
The picture of the arch over I-25 was taken in August of this year. Now, the walkway is suspended from the arch and is almost complete. This pedestrian bridge will link Lodo (Lower Downtown Denver) to the North Denver community, notably the Highlands and West Highlands neighborhoods.
P.P.S. Thanks to Anon (see comments) for providing this great site that details everything you'd ever want to know about the Highland Bridge/Project.
Hey, that's really cool. Thanks for posting about it!
Don't be too hard on Garcia's staff about the website right now. Denvergov.org - which includes each councilmember's official web pages - has been completely overhauled and redesigned. And is literally in the changeover stage right now. The public site is still the same, while the new version is being worked on by each agency's people for the big day in January when the new site goes live to replace the old one.
So right now each "content manager" is wrestling with creating all the new pages for his/her agency site so that they are ready to roll next month, *and* having to keep up the content on the old (public) pages. Usually those people have plenty of other duties and handle the website stuff on top of them.
I don't know who handles the web content for councilmembers - but they may be busier than the proverbial one-armed paperhanger. If that's not a politically incorrect thing to say. Sigh.
Thanks, Anon. I didn't realize denver.gov was undergoing a remake. I do understand the dynamic involved with this process and can sympathize with the "content managers" at the agency level.
Wonder, though, if a short email from the Councilman's staff in explanation of the current difficulty in posting new items right now would have been in order?? Oh well... I'm only a constituent. : - ]
Oh, also, see http://www.highlandbridgedenver.com/ which has some cool pictures and information. It was one of those multi-agency projects, looks like CDOT was the lead and handled bidding and contracting...
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